Strixhaven Commander Deck: PRISMARI PERFORMANCE

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    Prismari are the theatre kids of Strixhaven, and magic is how they express themselves. Their spells can be spectacles of raw creativity or meticulous artistic expressions. All the world's a stage, and whether their art is informed by mind or emotion, Prismari always leave a lasting impression. Their motto is "Express yourself with the elements."

    Much like Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths last year, the major Commander release of 2021 is tied to Strixhaven. That means five distinct decks, one for each college. In these decks, you'll find a total of 81 new cards; the most new cards of any Commander set, ever. Each deck has 16 unique new cards and 1 new land card that appears throughout. You'll also find what we're calling a display commander. While the oversized commanders of yore were exciting, they were perhaps . . . unwieldy. To that end, the display commander is the size of a card, so it fits in any deck box. Picture a regular card, printed on thick cardboard with a lovely foil-etched treatment. Please note the display commander is not a tournament-legal card, but feel free to use it as a nice stand-in when in the command zone or on the battlefield! In each deck, you'll find:

    • 100 Cards (98 regular, 2 foil)
    • 1 Foil-etched display commander
    • 10 Double-sided tokens
    • 1 Life wheel
    • 1 Deck box

      - $55.00

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